Monday, October 15, 2007

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us By Linda Christensen


  • Cartoons
  • Stereotypes (from the media)
  • Children
  • Inequality
  • Myths
  • Unfairness

Author's Argument:

Christensen argues that the media shows all types of stereotypes through television, toys, cartoons and movies. In the article Christensen shows us that when a Disney movie is made they always make the "princesses" a white person, that they rarely ever show that a princess is a person of race or color. In the Movies they mostly show a person of color either a servant or a poor person. Most of the time the person with power is a white male like prince charming. What she is also saying is that these cartoons also send the wrong messages across to young children. She also says that the toys that they are making for children are also stereotypes.


  1. "Watching Daffy Duck students start to notice patterns like the absence of a female character in many of the older cartoons. When women do appear, they look like Jessica Rabbit or Playboy centerfolds."
  2. " Popeye shows oozes with horrible message from passive Olive Oyl to the hero"man" Popeye. This cartoon portrays ethnic groups as stupid. It is political also teaching children that Americans are the best and conquer all others."
  3. "Women's roles in fairy tales distort reality. Tinker Bell inspects her tiny body in a mirror only to find that her minute hips are simply huge, she shows us how to turn the mirror into an enemy... And this scenario is repeated in girls' locker rooms all over the world."

Questions/ Comments/Points to Share:

I believe what Christensen is saying is totally true. When you think about is toys and the media portray many types of stereotypes. For Example Barbie is a white female who is thin and has blond hair, how come they can't make a Barbie who is overweight or who is African American? Another aspect is why not have an African American Princess in Disney movies. The cartoons should present a more positive message to children.

If they would make these changes to the media and toys people would not feel so bad when watching Television and playing with these toys. African American children would feel like they fit in better in the society.